2010年7月23日 星期五

ESL Podcast 597 – Describing Touch and Textures

Tommy: It’s just our luck that there’s a major power failure while we’re shopping in this outdoor bazaar.

Louisa: How are we going to find our way back to the hotel?

Tommy: Follow me and stay close. I’ll lead the way.

Louisa: This road is so rough. I keep tripping over the stones. Ah!

Tommy: What happened?

Louisa: I just fell into something wet and sticky. Gross! I don’t know what it is. It has a weird texture.

Tommy: Don’t think about it. If you’re not hurt, then try to get up and keep moving. Give me your hand. Ugh, it’s all slimy!

Louisa: Yeah, and my dress is all greasy, too. You know what? I think I did hurt myself. My foot feels all tingly, like it’s asleep.

Tommy: Try to walk the best you can and let’s try to make it back to the hotel. The road is smooth, not too bumpy, on this side. Let me help you.

Louisa: Thanks. I think I’ll be okay. Well, I guess if we don’t get to see very much more of the city, we’ll at least know what it feels like.
power failure 電源故障,電源中斷,斷電
bazaar /bə'zɑr/ (某些東方國家的)集市
rough /rʌf/ 粗糙的;不平滑的;高低不平的
tripping over 絆倒
trip 絆;絆倒
sticky 黏(性)的
Gross 令人不快的;令人惡心的;使人厭惡的
texture 質地;手感
slimy /'slaɪmɪ/ 似泥漿的;粘有黏液的
greasy/'grizɪ/ 多油的;油污的;沾油脂的
tingly 有刺痛感的;引起刺痛的
bumpy 不平的;多凸塊的

